Welcome to the creative age.

Everyone has goals and New Year's resolutions. But ask yourself…where do you want to be this time next year? My passion is to help you clearly set out the steps to get you there, and support you to make sure that dream becomes a reality.

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve” – Napoleon Hill

My name is Kaylene Langford, I am the founder of StartUp Creative ‘your go-to source for straight-up business advice) a podcast, online community and magazine and the author of ‘How to Start a Side Hustle’ published with Hardie Grant Books in 2021.

I started my business in 2014 to educate and inspire creative entrepreneurs to help them turn their passions into viable businesses. At the age of 23 there was no way I could have imagined that my side hustle would lead me to where I am today.

I’ve had the pleasure of coaching people from almost every industry I can think of. A priest starting a UX design and website development, sex workers and a literal Princess. I’ve delivered workshops for tens of thousands of designers, surfboard shapers, makers, creatives, artists and carers.

When I first started out I was told that I wasn’t qualified enough, that I wasn’t qualified enough to run a magazine and that my business name was average.

But here I am.

And here you are! Welcome.

Combining my love for sharing knowledge, writing and building community I’ll be sharing weekly tips and tricks, resources, recommendations and answering your business coaching questions.

Expect to receive straight-up business advice direct to your inbox that will be packed with practical tips, hacks, advice, worksheets, and my personal musings. Aim of the game is to help you to build the confidence and skillset to take real and tangible action on your goals and dreams so that you can look back and be proud of your progress in A Year From Now.

I’m not here to be a guru. I am a fellow creative, here to walk alongside you as together we uncover our greatest passions, ideas and form of self expression whilst navigating the world of business.

I’m here to help, celebrate and share with you what I’ve learnt along the way in the hope you can design a life and career of your dreams.

Come and follow the journey and meet your peers inside.

See you in there.


You can also find me on Instagram or visit my website for the resources that I’ve created over the years.

Stay up-to-date

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Each week, you’ll receive an email update from me straight to your inbox.

If you’d like what you read and found it helpful for you can pledge your support of my work and join our paid membership for bonus content, Q&A’s with me and my more personal writing where I share the highs and lows of running my own business.

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A curated space for creative entrepreneurs looking for straight up business advice to help turn their passions into viable businesses and meet likeminded creatives.


Entrepreneur, coach, speaker, and the founder of StartUp Creative, an online platform, podcast, and print magazine that educates, inspires and supports creative entrepreneurs. Author of 'How to Start a Side Hustle' published with Hardie Grant Books.