I was going to write about my recent overseas trip and share travel tips and lessons that I learnt along the way, but today it didn’t feel right.
As a Queer, First Nations, Woman today feels heavy. The results of the US election feels like a very significant moment in time and who's to tell what consequences will come of it.
I’ve been so engrossed in this election and yesterday I couldn’t take my eyes off it. I knew it was going to be a memorable moment that would alter the life of some many people for good or for worse. I cried when the results came in and this morning I woke up feeling sorrow for my fellow Black, Queer, Women and Minorities whose humans rights and needs have been ignored and could be further jeopardised. Have we just witnessed a huge backwards step in the fight for equal rights of all people?
Initially I wanted to give up, what’s the point of caring, conversing and concerning for these things when your efforts feel to amount to nothing? How can it be that no matter how much dignity one holds themselves with, someone with no grace or compassion for those unlike them can still prevail? What is to become of the human race when someone is capable of being elected to such power without being required to first prove their integrity, honesty and humanness?
I spoke at a conference last week about the power of storytelling and how it can be used for good and for evil. To spread truth or to spread lies. To empower or to incite fear. Unfortunately today, fear seems to have won. Fear is such a powerful emotion that when weaponised against us, it has the ability to turn us against ourselves and each other. It can narrow our perspectives and force us to abandon our fellow humans and focus solely on protecting our own self interests.
“When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.”
― Maya Angelou
But despair has a way of motivating you.
Leaning into the raw sense of hopelessness, I felt compelled to write. As if it was the only thing I could do, I had to do. It needed to come out of me. I first picked up the book on my bedside table, the one written by James Baldwin; a Black, American civil rights activist, a queer man and an artist. He grew up in a world that was intent on silencing people like him, yet his words made their way to me on this day 60 years later. Reading the opening pages of ‘The Fire Next Time’ it was as if he had written them this morning. They gave me hope and a desire to fight for the voices that need to be heard.
Our voices, our art, our creations are what will change the world, we are not powerless. Today I am reminded of the privilege that I have to write, speak and create art that empowers people and people can and will change the world for the better.
A flame has been sparked in me to take my power back and to not leave it in the hands of people that I do not trust to defend what is good for all. Together we will rise from this anguish and we will create art that will mark this moment in time and give power to the many great voices that are longing to speak and be heard, this is our freedom.
Here’s how I’m personally processing, taking care of myself and moving through the emotions:
Reading —
A reminder that reading physical books is good for the soul, mind and creative process. I’m choosing to learn from wise people and credible sources who can inspire new ideas and that remind me of how wholesome it is to consume art and quality words written with integrity.
I’ve had ‘write a Substack’ on my to-do list for two weeks and today it came out of me in under 20 minutes. Writing is such a powerful form of self expression that can also help us to make sense of thoughts, feelings, desires and longings. Even if you don’t publish it, write so that you can find your truth and live it fully.
Using my voice—
There are many who have spoken of a ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ like society that would be ushered in should this election outcome come to fruition. Only time will tell, but for me, today I am reminded of my voice and the power that is has to speak truth, to defend those less fortunate than me, to inspire and spread love and kindness to others, even if we don’t share the same beliefs or lived experiences.
On a really practical note, I’m switching off from many the podcasts, newsletters and opinions that I’ve been subscribed to over the last few months. The news cycle is truly addictive, divisive and endless. I’m ready to focus on my creations rather than worrying about what may or may not happen.
What inspired me to get political (if you can even call it that) on this post was my concern for those who may be on the brink of losing rights that I’m privilege to have as a Queer, Blak, Woman living in this country. Passion for starting my business came from a desire to empower people to back themselves in their dreams and desires. To stand up for what they want, buck the trends or what people thought they should be and go boldly in search for their wildest dreams, promising to walk with them every step of the way.
Starting a side hustle or building your own business isn’t just about the money, it’s about self empowerment. Knowing that you can do hard things and that you alone are responsible for the life that you live or don’t live. Each of us must go in search of what makes us come alive, knowing that life is too short to not live our truths.
I will always commit myself and whatever skills, voice, privilege and power that I have to bring everyone along for the ride, especially those who are not granted a seat at the table. May we empower each other so as to build a collective empire of people who can take care of themselves and their kin without compromising on their autonomy.
“People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
I love to cook and I’ve realised lately how good it is for me. Not only does it bring me into the present moment and gets me off screens, it reminds me of how creating something makes me feel good. I love sharing the food I cook with the people that I love and it always taste better when it’s been made with care and presence. When you can see something that you made in front of you, it reminds us do more of it. So cooking is now my gateway to writing and a reminder to focus on what I can control—there’s a pasta sauce on the stove as we speak and it smells delicious.
Invest in Others—
Should you have the means to do so, now is a great time to invest in people, businesses, artists and truth speakers who need your business. Black, Queer, Female, Trans, Migrants and those who when economically empowered are able to take care of themselves, their families and communities should a time come they are not afforded the rights of the majorities (white, rich, men).
Going offline—
It’s going to be a hard one for me but I can tell that I’m in need of a social media detox and some more time in nature. Currently working myself up to it but already today I can feel an increase in my energy levels and focus from spending less time with my head in the news cycle.
Ok I’ll leave it at that, I already feel better from writing this. Thanks for reading and please get in touch to offer your feedback, thoughts, feelings, questions or if you’d like to work together.
I was raised to be an independent woman, not the victim of anything.
—Kamala Harris
hello@startupcreative.com.au / www.startupcreative.com.au